Friday, July 13, 2012

Crazy 1 & 2 year old!

I haven't taken any pictures of Tommy for over a year & I was reminded why!  These kids are so impossible to try to make hold still without making them cry.  On top of that Tommy decided to fall asleep right when we were supposed to start taking pictures so by time we got there it was too dark & the kids were tired & hungry.... so photo shoot FAILED, but thought I'd post what I got in case I don't get any more for awhile.
 I thought this one was pretty cute & can't decide what crop I like best.
 Hehe, so cute :)
 Only time I could get Tommy to smile was when he was running, throwing stones, or dancing.
He got extra sad & pouty at the end.
So we had Dad get in the picture to cheer him up.
 Finally I settled for this picture I took the next morning in our backyard.  The only way I could get him to smile was to let him wack me with a golf club & pretend it hurt (why he's at a funny angle!)
Whitney was a pretty good sport, but it was just too dark.
  I'll definitely try with her again when Tommy isn't around for her to chase & watch.


Will and Heidi said...

Nancy you have a beautiful family. I think you are so talented at photography and editing and all that!

Ben and Becky said...

Tommy is so funny! I just smile every time I think about that kid! I love the pictue of the kids in b&w, which I don't usually like those as much. But Whitney just looks so pretty